
A note to upgrading customers

Midway through 2013.2, logging in ScormEngine changed, and is still in the process of changing. Your old logging configuration settings in your ScormEngineSettings file will no longer have any effect; they have been replaced by platform specific configuration files (see below). In addition, use of the LogDetail, LogAudit, and LogError configuration methods are officially deprecated. The overrides will still function in 2014.1, but they will be removed by the next major release of SCORM Engine.

You are in no way compelled to use our logging framework for your own logging messages (e.g., in your integration layer), but you can use it if you want to. Example code will be given for each platform.


In .NET Scorm Engine, logging is handled exclusively through log4net, an open-source logging library bundled with SCORM Engine. A sensible default configuration for log4net is provided in our web.config templates, but this configuration can be edited or replaced at will. If the configuration is missing, SCORM Engine will still run, but nothing will be logged.

If you are not using our web.config templates and you wish to use log4net, you will need to add a few modifiecations to your web.config file. First, if you do not have a configSections tag already, you will need to add it as a child of the root configuration element. Then, under the configSections tag, you will need to add:

<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler,Log4net"/>

In addition, you will need to add a log4net element as a child of the root element. You can copy the example from our templates, or you can consult the log4net documentation.

The default log4net configuration included in our web.config templates will log only those messages with a log level of WARNING or higher. These messages will be written to a rolling log file under C:\\logs\scormengine-log.txt. They will also be written to the ASP.NET trace, with categories corresponding to their log level.

If you desire to use log4net for logging messages in your integration layer, you will need to add the following code:

  1. Add using log4net; to your integration layer's "using" declarations.
  2. Declare a static logger variable in your integration layer, e.g., private static readonly ILog Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyIntegrationLayer)).
  3. At any point in your integration layer where you would like to add logging, call the appropriate logging method (Debug, Info, Warn, Error, or Fatal) to add a logging message at that level. The following example logs calls to RollupRegistration: Logger.Info("RollupRegistration called").

For more information on using log4net, consult the log4net documentation.


In Java ScormEngine, most logging is handled primarily through SLF4J, an open-source interface to several other logging libraries.

SLF4J can be used in combination with many other logging frameworks. In order to enable a particular framework, you must download the appropriate SLF4J adapter from [the SLF4J project website](http://www.slf4j.org/download.html and place it in the classpath for your web application. That said, SCORM Engine already ships with logback, an open-source logging library, and its SLF4J adapter so that logging will work "right out of the box."

We also ship with a default logback configuration file, which is deployed when the WAR is deployed. The file, logback.xml, is located in the WEB-INF/classes directory of your deployed application. That said, we do not recommend you edit this configuration, lest your changes get overwritten when you upgrade Engine. Instead, we recommend you take advantage of the fact that logback.xml is logback's last choice for a configuration file. If you place a logback.groovy or logback-test.xml file in your web application classpath, logback will load that configuration instead. For more information on logback's configuration file format, see the tutorial on the logback project website.

There is unfortunately some legacy code that still uses the built-in java.util.logging library; these messages can be configured in whichever way they are usually configured for your application (e.g., the logging.properties file for Tomcat). These logging usages are scheduled for removal in the next major release of SCORM Engine.

If you desire to use SLF4J/logback for your own integration layer, you will need to add the following code:

  1. Add the following two import statements at the top of your integration layer: import org.slf4j.Logger;, and import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;.
  2. Declare a static logger variable in your integration layer, e.g., private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.example.ExampleIntegration");
  3. At any point in your integration layer where you would like to add logging, call the appropriate logging method (trace, debug, info, warn, or error) to add a logging message at that level. The following example logs calls to RollupRegistration: _logger.info("RollupRegistration called").

For more information on using logback effectively, consult the logback manual.